Welcome to
Union Church Mexico City

Watch our live stream service,
Sunday at 11am

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Reforma Independence Angel



Union Church CDMX Children Ministry.

Union Kids

We strive to provide opportunities for kids to encounter Jesus. We would love to know more about your family and partner with you in supporting your kids’ journey.

Union Church CDMX Study Groups.

Study Groups

We have Small Groups, Ladies Bible Study, Sunday morning classes and a few other types of groups as well.

Union Church CDMX Youth Ministry.

Youth Ministry

D'Light exists as a place for youth ages 13-18 to encounter and get to know Jesus more. We meet on Sunday Mornings and plan events for the weekends.

Union Church CDMX Group Get Started.

Not sure where to begin?

Start here

Visit our Connect page to get an overview of all the ways to get involved.

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Audio Player

“TASCAM_0226.mp3” from TASCAM DR-40.